Saturday, May 4, 2019

'Made by Children"

I made this for the YOURstory exhibit,  a traveling  exhibit about human rights.  I 1st chose "clothing" as a human rights but as I did my research I could not find much other than a small wording the UN had,  all humans have a right to clothing. This may be true but it really depends on where you live.  If you live in a climate of heat you may not want much clothing, but if you live in the colder climates that is opposite.  A declaration without a need.  
BUT, in my research, I found story after story about children, yes children making clothing, working in unsanitary conditions, forced into labor to sew at these old sewing machine, usually in so dangerous conditions, little food, little water.  No outdoor play.    

My heart aches for these children,  WE as consumers have alot of blame for this cruelty!!  Many websites will give you the names of the companys, many in our own country that use children to manufacture our clothing.

So, using my own old machines as models,  I made this machine, then I put clothing labels "made by children", "made by a child" and then made by names of children from some of the countries that use this disgusting abuse of children.  

YOURstory... the book will soon be available, you can pre-order now from Amazon.