Thursday, May 5, 2016

Teton as a puppy!

Teton as a puppy.  We adopted Teton when she was probably 4 years old.  She is now almost 10 years old.  She has a funny personality.  She howls with me every morning as we get ready for our walk,  she is a bit selfish with her show of affection but she has the wettest kisses when she wants to share.  I do not think any of my friends have entered my home without her nose going for the crotch.  (very embarrassing for me)  She loves other dogs but has to fight with them the 1st meeting,  she seems to be fine after that 1st showing of who she thinks is boss.  I knew her when she was little and I love her as a part of our family.  This will not be the "art" photo of her I make, but I do love it.  I just find the photos from our part in her life more meaningful.  She has been lots of fun.

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